Quality and certifications

Continuous improvement is our daily challenge
Proof of this is the fact that we have maintained the ISO 9001 quality management certificate since 1999 and the ISO 14001 environmental management certificate since 2020. Last year we have obtained the ISO 27001, the information security certification.
We also have the EFQM silver seal and aim to obtain a score of +500
We foresee opportunities, we adapt to the needs of the market and we open up to new possibilities for becoming an excellent, international company that also stands out due to its social contribution
As specialists in environments with explosive atmospheres (ATEX), we are double-certified and backed up by annual audits according to standard EN/IEC 80079-34, carried out by the French certifying body INERIS, the ultimate endorsement and global standard in environments with explosive atmospheres. The two certificates are the QAN (Quality Assessment Notification), which falls under the European ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU, and the QAR (Quality Assessment Report) under the IECEx scheme (international).